Are you curious to know why you look different in a mirror than you really look? Why is your reflection different in different mirrors? Does a mirror show the true depiction of how others see you in real life? If not, how to see your actual image in a mirror?
Finally, we have decided to disclose all of these mirror-related secrets in this article. So, go through it till the end and enjoy the interesting info.
How to see what you really look like in a mirror? The best way to see your real look in a mirror is by using a true mirror. It is a mirror that shows your actual image without reversing it. You can sit in front of the mirror and ask a person how you look different in real life as compared to your mirror image.
To learn how to see yourself exactly what you really look like in the mirror, explore this article till the end.
Do You Actually Look Like What You See in the Mirror?
Every day, you gaze in the mirror to see an altered version of yourself. Isn’t it? No doubt, you are the only person on this planet whose actual looks you have never seen in real life. Without a mirror, you can only feel your features. Even if you have ever tried to gaze at your half face by closing one eye, though it may look weird and funny, still you can’t see yourself. Also, a typical mirror just shows a flipped image of yourself in front of you.
It’s confusing, yet interesting to learn that a mirror image doesn’t present your actual appearance. You might be curious to know what you actually look like and what you see in the mirror? The answer is no, in a typical mirror shows your flipped image and you get used to it. It is not your actual look that you see in the mirror.
To make this more clear to you, let’s deeply explain the technicalities of your mirror image. Actually, whenever you gaze in the mirror to see yourself, your eyes transmit information. As a result, unconsciously you change your expressions in the way you want to see yourself. In the real-life, depending on the situation, your looks are different from your mirror looks because of emotions and expressions.
Is Your Reflection In The Mirror What Others See?
Now, here a question clicks hard in the mind that is your reflection in the mirror what others see? The answer is no, your mirror reflection is not how you may look for others in real life. A typical mirror shows your averted reflection. It is not a real depiction of your actual image. It is not more than your expressions, feelings, and emotions how you want to look at yourself in the mirror.
In other words, you can say that a mirror reflection is an example of your perception of yourself, not from others’ perspectives. For others, you may look different. Just like in photos, you look totally different. Most people love their mirror image as compared to their selfies and photos. In fact, they are used to seeing them in the way they like.
Let’s give this article an interesting twist by recalling a childhood story “Snow White and Seven Dwarfs”. Did you remember the magical mirror mentioned in the story that keeps on telling the queen that Snow White is more beautiful than her? No, go and grab the story to know, though these magical mirrors don’t exist in real life. But we are smart enough to create a self-image of ourselves that is more satisfactory than our actual looks.
How To See Your True Image?
You might be wondering if your mirror reflection is not how you look to others than how you can see your true image? Simply, there are two ways to see your actual look. These are mentioned below:
- You can see your actual image in a “true mirror”, as it shows your real looks how others see you.
- If you use an iPhone, you can view your actual image by using an iOS camera app “Truth Mirror”. Firstly, when you take a pic it shows you its mirror image while previewing. But then it flips it to your true image.
Here a confusion arises that what is a true Mirror? Actually, it is a special non reversing mirror that can replicate two reflections. It creates your true image from your mirror image. Unlike a regular mirror, it helps you to see yourself as you really are in real life. Also, it doesn’t fade your emotions and expressions, the light of your eyes while you’re happy or sad.

How To Make A True Mirror?
Now you are anxious to see your real face and how others see you, right?? You are having a tough time waiting to purchase it online and you are thinking of making one at home. But is it possible? Can you make a true mirror at home? How to make a true mirror? You can make a true mirror only if you have a special machine-like mirror maker have that can adjust the mirror at 90 degrees. It must follow 90 degrees binding adjustment technique. Otherwise, it will destroy the image by creating natural distortion.
Don’t worry, if you don’t want to buy one online, read the instructions mentioned below and make a simple true mirror for yourself.
- Put on gloves first to avoid any glass cuts due to sanded edges.
- Take two front surface mirrors.
- Put them together at a 90-degree angle to create an illusion.
- Join their corners in such a way that the corner of one mirror slightly overlaps the other to form a perpendicular instead of joining right at both corners.
- Make sure that the mirrors are perfectly aligned when you look from the front side.
- To check if the mirror is done, you can wear a graphic t-shirt with some quotes. If you can read the quote while looking in the mirror, it means it is your perfect true mirror.
- However, a slight distortion can disturb your image and it can be disturbing to you.
Related Questions
Is a mirror reflection or photograph a more accurate interpretation of the way a person looks?
No, a mirror reflection is actually the reverse image of yourself while a photograph shows your 2D image. So, neither a mirror reflection nor a photograph interprets the way you really look. You can only see your real looks in a true mirror, that shows a non-reversible image of yourself.
How to find what you really look like?
To find what you really look like is to see yourself in a true mirror. It is a mirror that doesn’t show your flipped or inverted image, instead shows you the actual image that you really look like. In other words, a true mirror shows your non-reversible image. In this way, you can see how you really look to others.
Is your reflection in the mirror what others see?
When we see in the mirror, you actually see your forward to backward reflection instead of left to right reflection. But it is not the way how you look in real life or how others see you. It is just your reversed image.
Finally, you’re on the way to see your reality for the first time. Before the invention of the mirror, people were free from the tension of their looks. Now, after the mirror was invented, people are still reluctant about their actual looks. Neither a mirror satisfies them nor a selfie.
Hopefully, this post will satisfy you by removing all of your confusion about your real looks. You can easily make a simple true mirror at home. However, you can also purchase one online if you feel difficulty while creating your own non-reversible mirror.